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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Spouses Getting Separated or Divorced in Ontario! Part Two

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Spouses Getting Separated or Divorced in Ontario! Part Two

As I mentioned previously, you are much more likely to have an easier time with the end of your marriage or relationship when you have these 7 habits of highly effective spouses getting separated or divorced.

Hi, my name is Thomas O’Malley.  I’m an experienced family lawyer in Durham Region and the GTA.

Here are the next four essential habits of highly effective spouses getting separated or divorced:

Habit #4:  Get Full Financial Disclosure

You cannot possibly get a fair and reasonable settlement in your separation or divorce without getting full financial disclosure from your former spouse.

Full financial disclosure means your spouse must provide a detailed Financial Statement to you.  They provide documents that show the value of their assets and the amounts of their debts on the date of marriage and the date of separation.

Your spouse must also provide a recent paystub and their last three years’ Notices of Assessment.

You must also provide the same full financial disclosure and documents to your spouse.

Habit #5:  Be Settlement Oriented From The Start

You solve your family law issues with your spouse in two ways:  you reach a settlement with your former spouse on the key family law issues in your case or go to trial and judge will make final orders on your family law issues.

You want to avoid family court and a trial if you can since it is expensive, time-consuming and very frustrating.

You need to focus on getting a fair and reasonable settlement from the very start of your separation or divorce.

Your family lawyer should prepare a separation agreement or a court settlement proposal to resolve your outstanding family law issues. 

When you focus on getting a fair and reasonable family law settlement from the start, you often reduce the amount of time, energy and anxiety it takes to survive your separation or divorce.

Just remember this important point:  You need to get full financial disclosure from your spouse before you can settle your family law issues.

Habit #6:  Create an Effective Parenting Plan

You need to create a detailed parenting plan so that your children can do as well as possible during this difficult time in their lives.

You need to set out how the decision-making on the important issues in their lives will be made, including educational and medical issues.

You need to decide the living arrangements for your children.

You need to decide the issue of summer vacation, March break, and the holiday schedule. 

Habit #7:  Start Planning for Your Future

You need to carefully assess your future.  You need to consider where you will live, the type of residence you want, and your career choices.

You need to create a 5-year plan and set out how you want to be living at the end of 5 years.  Set up intermediate goals that will help you reach those major goals.

When you have these 7 habits of highly effective spouses, you will find moving with your life after your separation or divorce much easier.

If you have any questions about your separation, divorce or family law case and you would like our help, there’s a few ways to contact our office.  

You can leave a message on my Facebook law office page, visit my website at, or call me directly at 905-434-8837. 

We would be happy to speak to you.

Oh, by the way, did you know you can protect your family law rights and get essential information on settling your family law issues with your former spouse with the daily indispensable family law advice and tips at my FREE Facebook group? 

Click here to find out more: Durham Region Separation and Divorce Legal Support Group  

Thanks for watching this video.


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