Whitby Family Law and Divorce Lawyer

Whitby Residents: How To Protect Your Legal Rights
In Your Separation, Divorce or Family Law Case

By the time you finish reading this page, you’ll feel the certainty that you have the right family law and divorce lawyer working on your side to protect your legal rights and solve your family law issues.

Here’s a fact for you: You need an experienced Whitby family law and divorce lawyer to solve your separation and divorce legal problems quickly and easily so that you can move on with your life.

Certainly, you don’t need the headache of serious and troublesome divorce, separation or family law problems hanging over your head.

That’s where Thomas O’Malley, a well-respected and dedicated Whitby family law and divorce lawyer, can help you.

After you come to your consultation with Thomas O’Malley, you discover exactly what you need to know and do to protect your legal rights during this difficult time in your life.

Since you’ve read this far, you have clearly experienced enough to know how valuable a consultation with a veteran Whitby family law and divorce lawyer will be to solve your family law problems.

It’s time for action. Call Thomas O’Malley at (905) 434-8837 to set up your consultation.

Get started now.

Special Family Law and Divorce Legal Advice for Whitby Residents

Thomas O’Malley has a real connection to Whitby residents. Whitby is just one community over from where Thomas grew up as a kid.

In fact, Thomas O’Malley’s father worked as the accountant at the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital for many years.

Thomas has represented hundreds of Whitby residents in all types of family law cases and divorces ranging from easy cases to the most difficult and confrontational situations. You name it and he has helped to solve that type of family law case for Whitby residents.

The fact of the matter is you will get important legal advice when you come to your consultation with Thomas O’Malley, a family lawyer with more than 25 years’ experience in helping Whitby residents like you with their family law and divorce legal issues.

The longer you wait to call Thomas O’Malley to set up your appointment, the more difficult you can find it dealing with your separation or divorce. Call him today at (905) 434-8837.

Family Law and Divorce Legal Services

Obviously, you want to solve your family law issues with the assistance of a recognized and veteran Whitby family law and divorce lawyer.

Discouraged and confused about your family law problems? Thomas O’Malley can quickly help you protect your legal rights in these crucial areas in your separation, divorce or family law case:

Separation Agreements
Family Court
Child Custody
Child Access
Child Support
Spousal Support
Property Division

The truth is you need to protect your legal rights in your separation or divorce. Soon you will find out how to protect your family law rights when you set up your appointment with Thomas O’Malley.

Call him now at (905) 434-8837. He gives you the family law edge you need.

Thomas O’Malley, Whitby Family Lawyer, Answers Your FAQs

Q: Can I settle or solve my family law issues with my ex-spouse without going to court?
A: That’s a great question! In many cases, you can settle your family law issues without going to court. Court can be expensive and very frustrating. You can solve your family law issues with a written agreement with your former spouse. It’s called a separation agreement. It covers all the key issues in your family law situation-child custody and access, child support, spousal support, and property issues. To get a separation agreement so that you can avoid court, call (905) 434-8837 today.

Q: Do I have to pay child support?
A: You pay child support depending on the residential arrangements of your children. For example, if your children live with the other parent most of the time, you would pay the full amount of child support based on your gross yearly income. You can determine the exact amount of child support by reviewing the Ontario Child Support Guidelines.

Q: What does custody of my children mean?
A: That’s an excellent question! Custody refers to who makes decisions about your children. If a parent has sole custody of the children, that parent makes the key decisions respecting the children, including decisions about their school, medical issues and sports activities. When parents have joint custody of the children, they must consult with each other about these key decisions about their children. To find out the right child custody arrangement in your separation or divorce, call Thomas O’Malley, a talented and established Whitby family law and divorce lawyer, at (905) 434-8837. It’s the only way to go.

About Whitby

Living in Whitby, Ontario

Established in the 1830’s, Whitby has had an important contribution to the local area. Whitby residents enjoy a wonderful community with many amenities and attractions and a colourful history. For example, Whitby was the home of Camp X. This was North America’s first spy school which was critical to the war effort for the Allies in the Second World War. Whitby has many large employers, including Patheon, Automodular Assemblies, McGraw-Hill Ryerson, Gerdau Ameristeel, Sobeys retail support centre, and a major Liquor Control Board of Ontario warehouse.

Whitby has approximately 129,000 residents. Residents enjoy the benefits of an excellent transportation system. They can easily access Highway 401 and use the GO Train to travel to many nearby communities. Local attractions include the Whitby Courthouse Theatre, the Station Gallery, and Camp X.

Whitby Local Resources

City Government
City Fire Department
Parks & Recreation

Driving Directions to Thomas O’Malley’s Family Law Office

From Whitby, Ontario: Take Highway 401 East. Turn onto the Simcoe Street exit. Travel 2.1 km north on Simcoe Street. Turn right onto Richmond St E. Take the first left onto Ontario Street. 77 Ontario Street is on the right.

Do You Want To Protect Your Family Law Rights? Call Thomas O’Malley at (905) 434-8837 Today!

Important Advice About the Details of Actually GoingTo Family Court
With Your Experienced Whitby Family Law and Divorce Lawyer

  1. Your lawyer will carefully review your family court documents and your spouse’s family court documents thoroughly a week or more before your court appearance or attendance.
  2. He will make an outline of the specific points that he wants to tell the judge. He focuses on the main issues in your family law case, including child custody and access, child support, spousal support and property issues.
    Your lawyer will often meet with you a few weeks before your court appearance to review your goals and strategies to achieve your goals in family court.
  3. Get a good night’s sleep before your court appearance the next day.
  4. Make sure you dress appropriately for court. As the old saying goes, you only have one chance to make a first impression. Dress as though you are going to a job interview.
  5. Make sure you take off your hat and sunglasses when you go into the courtroom.
  6. Bring food with you or money to buy food at the court house since you are often in court for most of the day. If your family court matter is scheduled for 9:30 a.m., you can still wait until 11:00 a.m. or 12:00 p.m. noon to be heard.
  7. Don’t bring food into the courtroom. You can only eat food and have a coffee when you are waiting in the hallway to go into the courtroom.
  8. You should always bring all your family court documents with you to court, including your financial documents and all the financial and other documents that your spouse has sent to you .
  9. Bring a pen and a notepad with you so that you can write any important points that you realize that your lawyer should tell the judge.
  10. You should not bring your children to court.
  11. When you get to court, find out what courtroom that you will be in. Usually, you can find a list called a court docket that lists the family law cases to be heard that day. You will find your name on that list and it will state what courtroom you are in.
  12. When you arrive at court, your lawyer will usually find you and find a convenient spot for you to sit while you wait to get called into court.
  13. You should arrive at the court approximately one hour before your scheduled court time so that you are not rushed and avoid any delays from traffic.
  14. If your spouse has a lawyer, your lawyer will talk to the lawyer before you have your hearing, pre-trial, or conference in the courtroom so that you can see what you do agree on and what you don’t agree on.
  15. Your lawyer will present the important aspects of your case to your judge in a clear and thoughtful manner.
  16. The one thing you must never do when you are in in family court is interrupt the judge when he or she is speaking. You will only annoy the judge. In fact, this is one of the easiest ways you can get on the bad side of the judge.
  17. Make sure also you do not interrupt your spouse when they are speaking to the judge. Only one person can speak at a time in court.
  18. You should permit your lawyer to do most of the speaking on your behalf in family court since they have the experience to make the best arguments for you in family court.
  19. Do not make any funny faces or gestures when your spouse or the judge is speaking.
  20. You should not be surprised if the judge sends the lawyers and their clients outside the courtroom into the hall to try to negotiate a settlement. The judge will often make very helpful recommendations on the various issues in your case on how to solve these issues.
  21. You should carefully consider the judge’s recommendations. Your family lawyer will advise you whether those recommendations can help solve your case.
  22. Your lawyer and the other lawyer will often prepare a written settlement based on some version of the judge’s recommendations. This is an excellent opportunity to reach a temporary or final settlement on the important issues in your case.
  23. Your lawyer will give you a copy of the judge’s endorsement or decision at the end of the conference.

It’s Easier Than You Think To Start
Protecting Your Family Law Rights
By Getting The Advice of an Experienced
Whitby Family Lawyer

Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could start solving or settling your family law issues at your court appearance?

You really are in an excellent position to settle your family law issues in court since your Whitby family law and divorce lawyer will have already discussed with you on several occasions what are the best results you should try to achieve in your family law case.

You already know court is very frustrating and expensive. The sooner you can start settling your family law issues in court, the sooner you can start moving on with your life.

Just picture this: You see the pressure and anxiety your children are feeling starting to disappear as you start settling your family law issues. Your kids are often the invisible victims of a difficult separation and divorce.

Always stay focussed on reaching a family law settlement that protects your legal rights and makes sense in your particular case.

An excellent Whitby family law and divorce lawyer stays focused on protecting your family law rights and settling your legal issues from the start of your separation, divorce or family court case to the very end.

If you want to settle your family law issues and move on with your life, call Thomas O’Malley, an established Whitby family law and divorce lawyer, now at (905) 434-8837 and put an end to your frustration and family law problems.

There’s no better time than right now.

Thomas O’Malley
Whitby Family Law and Divorce Lawyer
Tel.: (905) 434-8837 Fax: 905-434-8943
Serving residents in Whitby and Durham Region