Here’s The Quick and Easy Way For Pickering Residents
To Discover Their Legal Rights In Their Separation,
Divorce or Family Law Case
By the time you finish reading this page, you’ll discover the key factor to solving your family law issues is a consultation with experienced family law and divorce lawyer Thomas O’Malley.
When you come to your consultation with him, he gives you the specific details and advice you need to protect your legal rights and solve your family law problems.
Mr. O’Malley’s methodical and careful approach to solving your family law issues is the best way to get a reasonable settlement with your spouse.
He takes the mystery out of the separation, divorce and family law process, including family court, by making sure you understand your legal rights and what you need to do to protect them.
Imagine for a moment that your divorce, separation or family law issues are finally settled once and for all.
It’s an amazing feeling to finally be able to move on with your life, isn’t it?
It’s time for action. Call Thomas O’Malley today at (905) 434-8837 to set up your consultation. Get started now to protect your family law rights.
Special Family Law Advice for Pickering Residents
In Pickering, residents are known for their pride of their neighborhoods and their hard-working nature. Since 1992, Thomas O’Malley has been Pickering’s trusted family law and divorce lawyer with the same hard-working approach to solving separation, divorce and family law problems for Pickering residents.
There’s simply no substitute for his keen focus on protecting your family law rights and getting excellent settlements in your case so that you can move on with your life.
He has a special feeling for Pickering and its residents since he was often involved in playing several sports against Pickering teams, especially track and field in his high school days. Pickering has had spectacular growth during the last 10 years. Thomas O’Malley has continued to represent more and more Pickering residents in their separation, divorce or family law case.
His field-proven legal advice and experience will help solve your family law issues. There’s no substitute for his more than 25 years of experience representing Pickering clients in family court and negotiating separation agreements that protects their legal rights.
You’ve come to the right place for family law and divorce legal help. Call Thomas O’Malley now at (905) 434-8837 to set up your appointment with him.
Pickering Separation, Divorce and Family Law Services
Here’s a fact for you: you get better results and reduce your stress tremendously when you have the help of a veteran and recognized Pickering family law and divorce lawyer.
There’s never been a better time for Thomas O’Malley to help solve your family law issues in these important areas:
Separation Agreements
Family Court
Child Custody
Child Access
Child Support
Spousal Support
Property Division
In just a short while you can be on your way to protecting your legal rights and settling your family law issues. As you imagine the end of your family law problems, call Thomas O’Malley now at (905) 434-8837. There’s no time like now.
Thomas O’Malley, Pickering Family Lawyer, Answers Your FAQs
Q: Do my children live with me or my spouse?
A: The answer to this important question depends on your role as a parent before you and your spouse separated. If you have been heavily involved with raising your children, you will probably have your children living with you a good portion of the time. In fact, more and more parents have their children living with them on a “week-about” basis. In other words, the children live with one parent for one week and the other parent on the following week on a rotating basis. Call (905) 434-8837 now to find out what is legally the best residential, custody and access arrangements for your children.
Q: Do I have to give financial information to my spouse?
A: Yes, you must provide full financial disclosure to your spouse to negotiate a valid separation agreement. You also have to provide this information when your case is in family court. This information includes your last three years’ Notices of Assessment, a recent paystub, bank account information and RRSP documents.
Q: Do I have to pay for daycare costs and other expenses in addition to paying child support?
A: You might have to contribute to daycare costs and other reasonable expenses for your children in addition to child support. These are called section 7 expenses. They normally include daycare costs, costs of your children’s sports activities, and out-of-pocket dental and drug costs. To get all your family law and divorce legal questions answered, call Thomas O’Malley today at (905) 434-8837 to set up your consultation.
About Pickering
Living in Pickering, Ontario
Established in the 1770’s by British colonists, Pickering, Ontario is a modern bedroom community in the Greater Toronto Area. Pickering continues to have solid economic growth. The Pickering Nuclear Station has been a significant presence in the area since it opened in 1971. Pickering is home to a number of manufacturers and employers, including Yorkville Sound, Purdue Pharma, Hubbell Canada, PSP Speakers-Lenbrook and Eco-Tec. Pickering is the location of the head office of the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation.
Pickering is a leading community in the Greater Toronto Area with approximately 90,000 residents. Pickering’s population growth has slowed down in recent years as a result of restrictions on development in the northern part of the city. Pickering has access to a strong transportation system. Pickering residents use the GO train along the Lake Ontario corridor. Highway 401 is a major artery for drivers in the city.
Pickering has a developed waterfront called Frenchman’s Bay on Lake Ontario. This is a popular destination for residents during the summer. It includes an excellent boardwalk, restaurants, cafes, and shops.
Pickering Local Resources
City Government
City Fire Department
City Hospital
Driving Directions to Thomas O’Malley’s Family Law Office
From Pickering, Ontario: Take Highway 401 East. Turn onto the Simcoe Street exit in Oshawa. Travel 2.1 km north on Simcoe Street. Turn right onto Richmond St. E. Take the first left onto Ontario Street. 77 Ontario Street is on the right.
Do You Want To Protect Your Family Law Rights? Call Thomas O’Malley at (905) 434-8837 Today!
What Should Pickering Residents Try to Achieve in Family Court
With the Help of an Established Pickering Family Law and Divorce Lawyer?
What should you be trying to achieve in family court?
When you have decided that you have to take your spouse to family law court or your spouse has taken you to court, you must first decide what you want to get from court.
Here’s the bottom line: Failing to plan what you want to get in family court means you’re planning to fail.
You should closely think about the following issues or problems in your case:
- Do you want to continue living in your home with your children?
- Do you want your spouse to move out of the house?
- Are you making sure your mortgage on your house is still getting paid every month?
- Do you want sole or joint custody of your children?
- How much child support should your spouse pay you?
- Do you have to pay spousal support?
- Are you entitled to spousal support?
- Do you want to sell the matrimonial home?
- How do you deal with the property issues in your case?
Court paperwork requires you to set out what orders that you want from the court.
When you start court proceedings, you are required to fill out a court document called an Application.
You must clearly show or indicate the specific orders that you want your local family court to make for you to deal with your specific family law situation.
When you are served with or receive a court application from your spouse, you must respond to your spouse’s allegations in their court application by serving and filing your own court papers.
In short, you can make claims or request specific orders from the court whether you are starting the court proceedings with a court application or you are responding to your spouse’s court application with your own court papers called an Answer.
Your experienced Pickering family law and divorce lawyer will take the details of your case and the goals you want to achieve and complete your court paperwork. Of course, your lawyer will review your court paperwork with you and make any necessary revisions and corrections.
Avoid These 5 Dangerous Behaviours That Can
Seriously Hurt Your Family Court Case
Make sure you do not to deal with a difficult spouse by indulging in certain behaviours that can seriously hurt your family law case:
1. Dull Your Pain By Spending Too Much Money
If you spend money that is considered part of the marriage or joint assets, you will be held accountable for this money. In other words, you will have to pay at least half of this money back to your spouse in many cases.
You are also spending money that you will probably need for your own living expenses after your separation or divorce.
Don’t use spending money as a way to deal with a difficult spouse. It’s simply too costly in all ways.
2. You Don’t Accept That Your Marriage or Relationship is Over
You have to realize that the marriage or relationship is over if your spouse is taking you to family court or you’re starting the family court proceedings.
If you don’t accept that your marriage or relationship is over, you can easily fail to protect your legal rights. You can forget or just refuse to complete the required family court paperwork. When you fail to complete this important paperwork, your spouse can get court orders against you that are against your best interests and the best interests of your children.
You can also accept a really bad Offer to Settle or Minutes of Settlement when you don’t take seriously the fact that your spouse now considers you a problem and will do, in many cases, whatever it takes to harm you emotionally and financially.
3. You Become Really Angry!
When you react to a difficult spouse by becoming angry and difficult yourself, you will find it much more unlikely that you will get a fair and reasonable settlement.
You must always try to stay calm, cool and collected as much as you can during the family court process. Stay calm, know your legal rights, and only offer and accept a fair and reasonable settlement dealing with your family law rights.
4. Failing to Plan Ahead
You must not fail to plan ahead when you are getting separated or divorced. When you are dealing with a difficult spouse, you must always carefully plan for your family law case and your future.
You must carefully examine your financial situation and determine how much money you will need for living expenses during your family law case and after your family law case is completed.
5. Failing to Let Go of Negative Emotions
There’s no question about it that separation and divorce are two of life’s most difficult situations.
Then, on top of the separation or divorce, you might have to deal with a difficult family court case.
It’s absolutely critical that you as much as possible let go of any negative emotions that you have from your separation or divorce so that you can be at your best in your family court case.
Make sure you have a support network of parents, relatives and friends who can help you during this difficult time in your life.
When you come to your consultation with experienced Pickering family law and divorce lawyer Thomas O’Malley, you will find out the key approaches that will help get you a good settlement with your spouse in your separation, divorce or family case.
Get An Experienced Pickering Family Lawyer
Working For You Today To Protect Your Legal Rights
It’s no secret that you need an experienced Pickering family law and divorce lawyer working hard for you to settle your difficult divorce and family law issues.
Get everything you need to know about safeguarding your legal rights and solving your divorce or family law problems when you come to your consultation with Thomas O’Malley.
Call his office today at (905) 434-8837 to set up your family law consultation.
There’s no substitute for it.
Thomas O’Malley
Pickering Family Law and Divorce Lawyer
Tel.: (905) 434-8837 Fax: 905-434-8943
Serving residents in Pickering and Durham Region.